Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES)
Learn more about food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome and who it affects.
Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a food-related allergic reaction within the digestive tract.
FPIES is usually a non-immunoglobulin E (non-IgE) mediated immune reaction; meaning that IgE antibodies are not involved here. So, while cow milk and soy are the most common triggers, the allergic response can also happen due to other foods, including some considered as non-allergenic.
The symptoms of FPIES usually arise when infants start consuming formula or solid food. Any type of foods – even those considered neutral such as rice or fruit – can trigger symptoms in some people with FPIES, including diarrhea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration. Symptoms generally occur about two hours after a food allergen is consumed.
FPIES commonly begins in infancy, and can last several years before children outgrow it, usually around the age of 3 depending on the severity of the symptoms. Consulting a doctor is necessary to confirm that the child has outgrown the condition.
FPIES is still under research; it is currently unknown how many people are affected by the condition in Canada.
FPIES affects both males and females, often beginning in infancy or young childhood. FPIES can also affect anyone at any age; however, it is rare amongst adults and not well-documented.
As it is the case with most food-related allergies, doctors are unsure of the exact causes of FPIES, or why it affects some people and not others.
FPIES is nutritionally managed by avoiding the trigger foods
Currently, there is no cure for FPIES. Once a diagnosis is made, trigger foods need to be avoided.
The doctor may recommend eliminating the allergenic foods from the diet for a determined period of time. FPIES is a condition that is usually outgrown by the age of 3. To check if the allergy has gone, the doctor may proceed with a “food challenge test”. This is conducted by reintroducing the trigger foods one at a time, always monitoring for symptoms under medical supervision.
Breast milk is the first option for infants with FPIES; but if that is not possible, a hypoallergenic formula like an amino acid-based or extensively hydrolyzed formula is often recommended to ensure the intake of key nutrients that may be missing from the elimination diet. Up to half of children with FPIES to milk protein may also suffer from FPIES to soy protein. Soy formula might be suitable as a third formula choice for patients without soy allergy and greater than 6 months of age. It should only be considered under physician supervision.
Neocate® is a family of hypoallergenic, amino acid-based specialized formulas for use under medical supervision and is indicated for cow milk allergy, multiple food allergies and related GI and allergic conditions. Talk to your healthcare provider about product recommendations.
Neocate Nutra is suitable for use in children and infants older than 6 months of age (not suitable as sole source of nutrition). Neocate Nutra is not intended for bottle or tube feeding.
See if Neocate® products are reimbursed in your province.
Find the nearest pharmacy to you with available Neocate® products.
Within days of his birth, Roland showed signs of dairy protein intolerance. He wasn’t able to nurse and was tube-fed his mom’s pumped breast milk. His mom eliminated dairy, then soy, and eventually all allergens from her diet, but his condition worsened over time. He was eventually diagnosed with FPIES. Neocate, an amino acid-based formula, recommended by his HCP helped to manage his FPIES symptoms, and Roland became a smiling, easy to care for baby.**
*A patient’s story from the US
**Individual results may vary.
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