Neocate Eosinophilic Esophagitis Diagnosis
Learn more about the diagnostic process of Eosinophilic Esophagitis and why it is hard to identify compared to other food-related allergies and conditions.
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) can be a complex condition to diagnose as its symptoms are similar to other food-related allergies such as Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER). Patients with EoE often have two or more food allergies including milk and wheat. These food allergies can be identified with the help of an elimination diet. This helps your doctor know which special diet is needed to help ease the symptoms.
EoE needs to be diagnosed through an endoscopy and biopsy. The endoscopy allows doctors to go into the patient’s digestive tract and take a tissue sample. A biopsy is performed on the sample to determine whether there is inflammation and how many eosinophils are present in the tissue.
EoE can be a complex condition to diagnose as it may show the same signs and symptoms as other food allergy- related conditions,
Diagnosing EoE can be tricky, as it shares many of the symptoms of other food allergy-related disorders. The only way to diagnose EoE is by endoscopy and biopsy of the esophageal tissue, testing for the presence of a high number of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell. There is no cure for EoE, but it can be managed with one or a combination of approaches.
The elemental diet and the elimination diet are two recommended ways to help manage EoE and its symptoms. Indeed, many children with EoE also have food-related allergies.
The elemental diet is comprised of amino acid-based formulas, also referred to as elemental formulas. These formulas contain amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. The elemental diet has been shown to effectively manage symptoms in people with EoE and lower the eosinophil count in 95% of patients. The elimination diet helps improve the issue in around 75% of cases. It is based on removing common food allergens or allergens identified through food allergy test. If the child responds to an elimination or an elemental diet, food must be reintroduced back to the diet one at a time to determine which specific food is causing the reaction. It requires a few days or weeks to notice a trend in the allergic reactions before moving on to the next food to be reintroduced.
Consulting with a doctor or dietitian who is experienced in managing this condition is vital in learning how to manage EoE, and they may recommend one or a combination of these diet approaches.
The use of steroids will alleviate the symptoms of EoE, but will not identify the root cause, and symptoms may resume after stopping the medication. Steroids might be used in 2 different ways.
Systemic steroids are spread throughout the body; however, their use is advisable only for short periods of time, and these steroids may be reserved for patients with severe symptoms.
Topical steroids, or swallowed steroids, target the esophagus directly. Neocate® Nutra can be used to thicken the mixture before ingestion.
Mainly used in adult patients, dilation works by using a balloon-like device to help widen the esophageal tract, making it easier for the patient to swallow.
Neocate® is a family of hypoallergenic, amino acid-based specialized formulas for use under medical supervision and is indicated for cow milk allergy, multiple food allergies and related GI and allergic conditions. Talk to your healthcare provider about product recommendations.
Neocate Nutra is suitable for use in children and infants older than 6 months of age (not suitable as sole source of nutrition). Neocate Nutra is not intended for bottle or tube feeding.
Zachary has EoE and other food allergies. He was initially on amino acid-based formula exclusively. At the age of 9 years, he switched to Neocate Splash. With time, the number of safe foods for him has grown, but keeps taking Neocate Splash to supplement his diet.*
*Individual results may vary.
**A patient’s story from the US
Remy has been using Neocate® Splash since being diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis at 14 months and has been drinking it for over 13 years both as his sole source of nutrition and as a supplement to an elimination diet. Today, he is an active teenager who is into watersports and excels at school.*
*Individual results may vary.
**A patient’s story from the US
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