Neocate SBS symptoms
Learn more about the symptoms of short bowel syndrome and malabsorption.
When a large portion of an infant or child’s small intestine or colon is removed, there is less area to absorb nutrients and fluids. Short bowel syndrome (SBS) may cause malabsorption as the child is not getting the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.
Many infants and children with SBS present with different symptoms including diarrhea, poor growth &dehydration. They may also have a higher chance of developing food allergies due to damage to the intestine’s interior lining.
SBS may cause malabsorption.
Depending on the extent of the reduction of the small bowel, children and infants may need special formulas, medication and other medical procedures to help their gut adapt.
People with short bowel syndrome may suffer from diarrhea, dehydration, and growth challenges. As a result, they may need to be given nutrition through their veins, known as either total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or parenteral nutrition (PN). At a later stage, when there are signs that their gut has begun to adapt, their diet is changed to oral or tube feeding (enteral nutrition). Nonetheless, their diet has to be strictly monitored for signs of intolerance.
Infants and children with SBS may be at increased risk of food allergy. This is generally due to the damage to the inner lining of the intestine, which causes the body to react to intact protein.
Neocate© offers a range of formulas that can help with the dietary management of cow milk allergy and other related allergic and gastrointestinal conditions such as SBS. Please consult your medical professional to see if it is right for your child.
After surgery or damage to the gut, it will need time to recover.
Over time, the gut grows longer and increases its ability to absorb nutrients, returning progressively to normal digestion of foods and formulas.
As it adapts, the remaining small bowel will take on the work of the lost bowel and absorb nutrients.
Research has shown that enteral nutrition (tube feeding) can help with intestinal adaptation. Special formulas, such as Neocate, may be required to help with the management of SBS.
Setting up a diet that the child with short bowel syndrome can tolerate will help the body absorb nutrients and fluids needed to support normal growth.
Such a diet might consist of TPN initially and then advance to enteral (tube or oral) nutrition including the potential to use of an amino acid-based formula like Neocate. Eventually, some children will switch to an oral diet and may continue using Neocate as a supplement.
Neocate® is a family of hypoallergenic, amino acid-based specialized formulas for use under medical supervision and is indicated for cow milk allergy, multiple food allergies and related GI and allergic conditions. Talk to your healthcare provider about product recommendations.
Neocate Nutra is suitable for use in children and infants older than 6 months of age (not suitable as sole source of nutrition). Neocate Nutra is not intended for bottle or tube feeding.
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